MasterTherm Heat Pumps
Thermal Earth have partnered with MasterTherm, one of the world's leading specialist manufacturers of advanced heat pumps. We have brought their range of products to the UK market, offering installers in the UK full access to the advanced features of the MasterTherm range. All MasterTherm UK Heat Pumps are MCS-accredited by the BBA.
With over 25 years research and development, MasterTherm have pioneered many technological advances in heating and cooling systems. Offering air source and ground source heat pumps using inverter technology, each unit benefits from a seven year warranty, low noise output, solar thermal integration, weather compensation, cooling capabilities, online monitoring and a wide range of sizes to provide solutions for projects of any size. If you're unsure which model is right for your project, call us today on 01269 833 100 and we'll be happy to advise you.
Unique Master Therm software for pump control
• Custom application for controlling the cooling circuit and peripherals
• Equithermal MaR (measurement and regulation) system
• Advanced feedback control of building temperature based on internal room temperature sensors
• Control via touchscreen terminal or online application
• Includes remote service monitoring and diagnostics
• Control of up to 6 heating circuits, including the possibility of connecting a pool or solar panel
• Cooperation with photovoltaics: in-built connection to PV inverter
• Smart tariff & Smart Grid: automatic optimalization of heat pump's operation based on future spot electricity prices